DOJ Sues Arizona Over Requirement for Citizenship to Vote

DOJ Sues Arizona Over Requirement for Citizenship to Vote by Katie Pavlich for Town Hall

GNN Note – Why is it even a question about an illegal, border-jumping, felony level criminal having a right to vote in ANY country? The people in our In-Justice Department all need to be rounded up and, at the very least, thrown in prison. Most of the crimes these satanic-globalist communist people have committed warrant far harsher treatment than just a prison cell. / END

The Department of Justice is suing the state of Arizona over new requirements voters must provide proof of citizenship in order to cast a ballot.

“House Bill 2492’s onerous documentary proof of citizenship requirement for certain federal elections constitutes a textbook violation of the National Voter Registration Act,” Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke released in a statement. “For nearly three decades, the National Voter Registration Act has helped to move states in the right direction by eliminating unnecessary requirements that have historically made it harder for eligible voters to access the registration rolls. Arizona has passed a law that turns the clock back on progress by imposing unlawful and unnecessary requirements that would block eligible voters from the registration rolls for certain federal elections. The Justice Department will continue to use every available tool to protect all Americans’ right to vote and to ensure that their voices are heard.”

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HB 2492, which was passed and signed by Arizona Governor Doug Ducey in March, simply requires proof of citizenship when individuals register to vote. Voter identification is required at the ballot box.

“We think it’s good legislation. We think it protects the voters and protects citizens to ensure and not dilute their vote. And if somebody on the left wants to challenge it, have at it,” Ducey said at a March press conference.

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